
Candidates can count on a couple of things from the JFA team: fair, professional and honest treatment and an unyielding interest in moving you along your career arc. Please avail yourself to the resources below to fine-tune your resume, sharpen interviewing skills, see our recent hiring successes, view our job board or add your resume to our database.

Here are some tips for a better resume:


  1. Shoot for NOT more than 2 pages (unless it’s a CV with academic achievements). For a standard resume, it’s not the end of world if strays to third page, but the goal is not more than 2!
  1. Add a short, punchy headline under your personal info that in essence is YOUR billboard. Someone can scan this in 10 seconds and know what you and your career are about. These are very effective. Here are some examples:

Highly motivated product-builder of online publishing solutions for financial traders with a proven track record in leading Development and Sales teams to on-time delivery and the successful achievement of revenue targets

Goal-oriented sales professional with a proven track record of achievement for winning course adoptions in medical and veterinary schools and increasing retail sales in health science bookstores 

  1. For each job, add what the resume books call: “the responsibility statement.” This is a couple of short sentences that summarize what you are doing or did in each job. 
  1. After the “responsibility statement” list your accomplishments or key duties in bullet form. WHY BULLETS? Because they are easy to read and scan quickly. Hiring mgrs love bullets.
  1. Leave out stuff that’s not really relevant like awards or other things. If awards are very germane to your field, it’s ok to keep them, but not imperative.  They are good grist for the interview
  2. Use high impact words when describing your accomplishments in bullets: increased, grew, created, built, analyzed, saved, implemented, etc…….
  3. Be quantitative wherever possible especially in your bullet points….increased sales 53%, achieved 112% of quota, Reduced production cost  41%, etc.
  4. Say more about recent jobs, less about distant jobs even those with sentimental value that occurred 18 yrs ago. Fact is everyone focuses on what you’ve done recently.
  1. In general, keep things short and not verbose. It’s hard to write short, but the best resumes showcase that skill. 
  1. It’s OK to have several versions of your resume based upon your various skill sets. And it’s fine to tweak your resume to align with the current job you are seeking. The hiring manager ultimately will decide whether you are the best fit for the position, but getting in front of that decision-maker is half the battle. An “on target” resume helps open this door. 
  1. Attention to detail is paramount in a resume. This includes spelling, format, fonts, etc. Use a spell-check or have someone you trust proof-read your resume for errors. You’ll be glad you did. We have several clients that bounce even well-qualified candidates for spelling errors. And DO NOT rely on your JFA partner or anyone else to catch these errors. This IS YOUR JOB! YOUR RESUME IS YOU…make it special and error-free.




Jack Farrell
PO BOX 1241
Princeton, NJ 08542


Highly motivated publishing professional with a proven track record of success managing departments in sales, marketing, editorial, and digital publishing now taps an unparalleled network of contacts in the recruitment and placement of the best possible talent for clients across the globe




Jack Farrell & Associates, Princeton, NJ  May 2006 – present

Managing Director 

Established a recruiting firm focused on publishing, education technology, publishing technology, medical education/medical communication, associations and societies, and academic libraries; provide winning talent for clients in North America, UK, Europe, and Asia.

  • Manage a 5-person recruiting team (4 in US; 1 in UK).
  • 728 hires made as of March 2023.
  • 95% retention rate for new hires (since inception) thriving through the probationary review period; 98% retention rate for new hires 2013-2023.
  • Proficient in both and contingency and retained searches.
  • Experts in finding talent from mid-level management up to the C-Suite.
  • Global reach with successful hires in 14 countries: Argentina, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Mexico, Netherland, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom and United States.


The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY Oct 1990 – May 2006

Vice President, Medical Online Content Development (Feb 2005- May 2006)

Led the product development effort for all medical digital products. Managed two sponsoring editors, and was the primary contact person with the Harrison’s Online editorial team. 

  • Enhanced the digital aggregation with new features and value-added content resulting in a 163% sales increase in 2005 and 45% increase through MAY 2006. 
  • Launched ground-breaking point-of-care product:  (JUNE 2006).
  • Built new digital verticals – AccessSurgery (JULY 2006) and AccessEmergencyMedicine (OCTOBER 2006) – by combining print derivative content and new multi-media assets.
  • Created value-added features to the online testing platform for medical students ( resulting in YTY sales growth of 55% in 2005.
  • Spearheaded the re-design and launch of the online genetics resource OMMBID which enjoyed YTY sales increase of 60% in 2005.
  • Shortened throughput time from product concept to market delivery to ten months.
  • Produced digital product that fueled YTY sales growth of 43% in 2005.
  • Collaborated closely with the digital production team and the technology group to deliver projects on time and on budget.

Vice President, Publisher Medical Online and Digital Products (Oct 2003-Feb 2005)

Turned around a department that was understaffed, demoralized and in sales stasis. Managed an eight-member team encompassing all aspects of digital publishing: sales, marketing, editorial, technology, production, and licensing. 

  • Selected a new platform for our digital products that provided a vastly improved customer experience and afforded a strong competitive advantage.
  • Launched an online testing service for medical students – – and embedded a subset of that self-assessment within the AccessMedicine platform to meet a pressing customer request. 
  • Expanded the sales team and established new, clearly defined territories and goals and monitored progress toward goals in a highly proactive way. 
  • Transformed a moribund unit into a quicker moving group that began seizing market opportunities instead of focusing on missed opportunities of the past
  • Digital product sales grew 22% in 2004 and 43% in 2005. 
  • Grew AccessMedicine sales 163% in 2005. 
  • Grew licensing revenue 165% of goal in 2004; 150% of goal in 2005

Vice President (7/01) & Publisher, Medical Educational Products (Sept 2000-Oct 2003)

Led a nine-member team and reinvigorated the editorial program in medical education.

  • Achieved the front list sales goal in 2003 and increased 2003 signings 53% over prior year. 
  • Increased the dollar value of signings by 87% from 2000 to 2003.
  • Increased the number of signings by 98% from 2000 to 2003.
  • Initiated handheld publishing initiative.
  • Led the in-house effort to develop a “point-of-care” solution for McGraw-Hill

Director of Sales & Marketing, Medical Publishing Division (Oct 1990 – Aug 2000)

Directed all sales and marketing activity of print and electronic medical product in the channels of direct mail, commissioned and educational sales, bookstore sales, online, and special sales. Responsible for $36 million of domestic revenue and $5 million expense budget.

  • Established an educational sales force of eleven reps.
  • Achieved revenue and profit goals in seven of nine years with CAGR of 12% during the period.
  • Managed a twenty-member marketing and sales department.
  • Participated in the acquisition of Appleton & Lange medical titles in 1999 and supervised integration of sales and marketing operations.
  • Headed up international sales and marketing from 1993 – 1996 and increased sales 20% annually.
  • Wrote and implemented the business plan for Harrison’s Online.


B.C. Decker, Inc.  Philadelphia, PA Feb 1989 – Sept 1990

Director of Sales and Marketing

Responsible for all domestic and international sales and marketing activity for Decker medical titles.


W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA Jan 1984 – Feb 1989

Marketing Manager (Feb 1986 – Feb 1989)

Responsible $22 million in product line including medical, dental, and veterinary textbooks.

Educational Sales Representative (Jan 1984 – Feb 1986)

Responsible for calling on medical and nursing school faculty decision-makers and medical bookstore

in the New York City/Northern New Jersey sales territory



1995: Masters in Business Administration, Finance major, Fordham University, New York, NY

1982: Bachelor of Arts, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, Economics Major/Pre-Med



2006: McGraw-Hill Corporate Achievement Award for

2004: McGraw-Hill Corporate Achievement Award for Harrison’s Principles, 16e digital supplement

2000: McGraw-Hill Corporate Achievement Award for Kandel’s Principles of Neural Science, 4e marketing launch

2000 – 2015: Chair of The Publishers’ Advisory Panel to the National Library of Medicine

1999: McGraw-Hill Corporate Achievement Award for Harrison’s Online 

1998-1999: President, The American Medical Publishers’ Association

Interviewing is a key part of the hiring process. Here is an array of content that I’d encourage you to review before your interview. This information comes from direct feedback from hiring managers, our team’s collective experience as hiring managers AND recruiters, and other published works. I hope you find these tips useful as you prepare for your interview. 


  1. First impressions are paramount: look professional, jacket and tie for men, professional garb for women. It’s fine to OVERDRESS for an interview. Underdressing can be fatal. This particularly applies to video interviews. Do not make the mistake of underdressing just because the interview is not in-person.
  2. In a pre-COVID world…greeting with a firm handshake and a smile was the norm, no longer. In a COVID age for in-person encounters maybe a quick bow, nod, or wave will suffice…or maybe a handshake. Be respectful of each person’s aversion to physical contact these days.
  3. SMILE OFTEN….few other mannerisms will make a more lasting impression. If you need to wear a mask during an interview, still remember to smile as the eyes can tell a good story here.
  4. Maintain eye contact as much as possible – it makes a HUGE difference.
  5. Keep your energy up. If you have a long interview, be sure to ask for WATER and stay hydrated. If it’s a long session, bring a banana or apple just in case you need “no mess” sustenance.
  6. Know the product line as much as possible. Visit the company website, poke around, look for their vision statement or mission statement. The more familiar you are with the product and company, the richer your interview will be and this knowledge will inform questions you might have. All this is a healthy signal that you are engaged and interested in what lies ahead.
  7. Write a follow up Thank You email within 24 hours of your interview. You have two options: 1) send an email to each person you speak with, OR – the JFA preference – 2) write one email to the head of the search committee and ask that person to share it with the full committee. Either approach works, and please cc your JFA ally! We recommend a 2-3 sentence email, don’t write a book – STOP SELLING.
  8. Make sure your resume tells a story. ALL your past jobs should point toward the job you are interviewing for NOW. In fact, each job you’ve had has given you new skills and facets that make you THE BEST applicant for the job in front of you. You should be comfortable telling that story in the interview. Hiring mgrs oftentimes want to know “how things fit together” from your past. This exercise helps you convince the hiring manager or search committee of this fit. You must describe how THIS JOB fits in or culminates the ARC OF YOUR CAREER to this point.
  9. Have a couple “success stories” at the ready to cite in the interview. These specific examples demonstrate your abilities – in marketing, in sales, in editorial, in management, in IT – and give the hiring manager a more vivid picture of your skills.
  10. If you like what you hear in the interview – TELL THE MGR YOU WANT THE JOB. It might seem obvious, but doing this will distinguish you from 90% of other candidates.
  11. We don’t encourage candidates to talk salary. That’s our job. HOWEVER, it’s important BEFORE THE INTERVIEW that YOU and your JFA recruiter are on the same page on salary. Increasingly, companies are not allowed to ask about salary history (see list below) but you should have a clear understanding of what your salary requirements are and how those align with the compensation for the position at hand. If you and your JFA recruiter are in synch…there’s no reason to not talk salary info during an interview if the hiring party broaches it. Generally speaking, salary doesn’t typically arise in interviews until the end of the process but let’s use these rules just in case. As noted above, more and more states PROHIBIT discussion of salary history. See here for the list of these US states that prohibit talk of salary history: Given that, the question to candidates becomes: “what are your salary requirements?” Be ready for that one.
  12. On any application you complete (online or hard copy), we recommend that you leave salary questions blank. This is confidential information. Applications are occasionally handled very cavalierly, and salary information can become public knowledge.  This is becoming less of an issue as more regions prohibit discussions of salary history. Always check with your JFA rep if questions arise in this area. As a general rule salary is an issue that could be negotiated between the hiring mgr and the recruiter who represents YOU. If the hiring party insists on negotiating directly with you….BE SURE to include US in the loop to give you the optimal negotiating result.
  13. If someone asks you about salary, the best response is “Jack has asked that all salary discussion be directed to him, and I’m comfortable with that.” If you get pushed into a corner for a salary answer, then be honest and be sure it reflects any discussions that you and your recruiter have already had. WE ARE A TEAM on this very important part of the process.
  14. References are only needed at the very end of the process – the finalist stage. Your JFA ally will help you here. We recommend 3 references – one former manager, two current or former peers. This can vary of course depending on the hiring party’s preference.  Always confirm with references beforehand that they are comfortable in this role.
  15. Be positive. Never run from one job to “this job.” Instead, have a cogent reason why leaving your current job for this one makes sense in your career progression and in “your story.”
  16. Similarly, be able to talk about why you left each job on your resume. Don’t be defensive, just the facts please…and never run down a former employer…even if they deserve it. It reflects very badly on a candidate.
  17. For in-person interviews, always bring an extra copy of your resume with you…just in case.
  18. TURN YOUR PHONE COMPLETELY OFF… AIRPLANE MODE…NO VOLUME ….OFF! AND DO NOT LOOK IT AT DURING YOUR INTERVIEW. FOCUS ONLY ON THE DISCUSSION AT HAND. Several candidates have lost out because of a preoccupation with their phone during the interview…it’s a major turnoff.
  19. Be VERY careful if considering a COUNTER-OFFER from your current employer. 70-80% of those accepting counter-offers are NOT with the firm a year later (US News & World Report article by Alison Green, Mon, Mar 26, 2012). The reasons? When someone accepts a counter-offer the dynamic between that employee and the employer can change and, usually, not in a good way. Our advice is…commit to the career change and stick with it…ONWARD and UPWARD!!!
  20. Even before the pandemic, clients were increasingly using video interviews  (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, etc.) to save on cost and time. Now it is THE NORM for part or ALL of the process. The technology is improving which is a good thing and no doubt will continue to do so. Here are some key things to consider in this setting: 1) be sure the connection and lighting are good, 2) recall that YOU ARE ON SCREEN and all gestures (scratching nose, looking for notes, yawning) and environmental elements (dog barking in background, doorbell ringing, interruptions by family members or pets) are amplified. Find a quiet, professional location for the call, 3) NO LOUD clothing please…, 4) EYE CONTACT remains KEY so look at the camera…not the screen, 5) BE UNFLAPPABLE! in that the technology could fail so be sure to have alternate call-in info in case the screen goes dark and the connection fails; more than ever…prepare for the unexpected. 6) REMEMBER to SMILE…still the #1 body language tool. 
  21. Your social media presence: Hiring managers are watching! This is an important and perhaps sensitive topic. Recently, a highly qualified candidate was summarily dismissed early in the process because of the bellicose language appearing on one of his social sites (I think Twitter, but I’m not certain). The lesson here is simple: if you are actively posting on social media, there’s a good chance an inquisitive hiring manager will dive into that content. I’m not recommending you refrain from these platforms or that you stop talking about positions or causes you are passionate about. What I DO recommend is: watch the tone of your language. In a similar way, be mindful of profile pictures that now represent you…especially on LinkedIn. This should be a serious, respectful image that says: “hiring this person would be a smart move.” Any picture that doesn’t support that theme…as clever or funny or flattering you think it may be…is not helpful.





Associate University Librarian, Learning Services & Academic Engagement University of Georgia Libraries
Production Manager STM Publisher
Chief Operating Officer NABU
Assistant Dean for Historical Collections UAB Libraries
Publisher, Portfolio Strategy Society Publisher (Scientific)
Sales & Business Development Account Manager Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Administrator to the Humanitarian Technologies Board Association (Engineering)
Vice President/Editor-in-Chief, C&EN American Chemical Society
Senior Editor, Psychology Guilford Press
Director of IT Trade Publisher
Client Services Manager, Western Europe IEEE
Director of the University of Tennessee Press University of Tennessee Libraries & University of Tennessee Press




Director of the Press University Press of Kansas
Educational Sales Rep IA, MN, NE, SD, & ND K-12 Publisher
Associate University Librarian for Teaching, Learning & Research University of Iowa Libraries
Director of the South Caroliniana Library University of South Carolina Libraries
Customer Support Specialist STM Publisher
Associate Publisher Association (Scientific)
Chair, Archives and Special Collections University of Nebraska Libraries
Executive Director McGill-Queen’s University Press
Educational Sales Rep MI & IN K-12 Publisher
Administrative Coordinator Association (Publishing)
Membership Coordinator Association (Publishing)
Educational Sales Rep OR, WA & AK K-12 Publisher
Digital Product Strategist Health Science Publisher
Membership Manager Association (Mathematics)
Director of User Experience Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Educational Sales Rep: NC, SC & KY K-12 Publisher
Senior Director Humanitarian Technology IEEE
Library Sales Assistant Health Science Publisher
Senior Developmental Editor, Digital Products Health Science Publisher
Content Acquisitions and Development Manager Association (Library)
Senior Managing Editor Business Publisher
Director of Collections and Resource Strategies Augusta University Libraries
Director of Japan Business Operations Association (Engineering)
Integrated Marketing Manager Open access publisher
Director of Technology and Engineering Open access publisher
Senior Research Analyst Open access publisher
Chair, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Metadata and E-resources University of Nebraska Libraries
Sales Lead, Sustainable Mobility Solutions Engineering Publisher
Associate Dean for Technology and Digital Scholarship Florida State University Libraries
Business Manager Higher-ed publisher
Associate Publisher Association (Physics)
Managing Editor Science Publisher
Assistant Managing Editor, Peer Review Systems Science Publisher
Director of Accounting Chemical Manufacturer
Educational Sales Rep Southeast K-12 publisher
Director of Press SUNY Press
Business Development Manager, UK Ed-Tech, Higher Ed Company
Executive Editor University Press
Vice President of European Library Relations STM Publisher
Associate Dean for Research & Learning Services Florida State University Libraries
Publisher and Chief of Publishing Operations American Psychiatric Association
Open Access Sales Manager STM Publisher
Senior Journals Production Manager STM Publisher
Dean of Libraries Lafayette College
State Program Manager Ed-Tech, K-12 Company
Editor-in-Chief Guilford Press




New England Sales Representative K-12 Publisher
Vice President, North America Library Relations STM Publisher
Shared Collections Program Director California Digital Library
Vice President, Corporate Sales, North America Language Publisher
Associate Production Editor K-12 Publisher
Strategic Marketing Manager, Journals Association (Medical)
Solution Sales Executive – Research Intelligence STM Publisher
Business Development Associate Ed-Tech, Higher Ed Company
Strategic Research Manager Association (Engineering)
Regulatory Risk Product Manager Tax & Accounting Publisher
Sales Director College Publisher
Marketing Specialist, Publishing Association (Engineering)
Director of Matas Medical Library Tulane University Libraries
Research & Instruction Librarian for the Sciences Wake Forest University Libraries
Education Center Project Manager Association (Medical)
CEO Guilford Press
Modern Language Specialist College Publisher
Content Hub Product Manager Codes & Standards Publisher
Public Services Librarian Wake Forest University Libraries
B2B Subscription Sales Rep Financial/Investing Publisher
Assistant Journals Manager Association (Scientific)
Product Sales Specialist, Springer Materials STM Publisher
Review Operations Manager Open Access Publisher
Account Manager Association (Medical)
Chief Legal Officer Berlitz Corporation
Executive Publisher, STM Journals University Press
Editor University Press
Editorial Director University of Oklahoma Press
Manager, Financial Operations College and Trade Publisher
Chief Financial Officer University of North Carolina Press & Longleaf Services
People & Culture Global Director Open Access Publisher (UK)
Lead, Peer Review Operations and Publication Integrity STM Publisher
Director of Scholarly Engagement Tulane University Libraries
Director of US Publishing Development Open Access Publisher (Swiss)
Director of Sales Publishing Technology Company
Inventory Associate Trade Publisher
Amazon Account Manager Distributor
Marketing Manager College Publisher
Journal Data Specialist Journals Publisher
International Sales Manager Association (Engineering)
Journals Manager STM Publisher
Marketing Manager, Customer Success and Analytics College Publisher (Canada)
Executive Editor, Medical Journals Medical Publisher (UK)
Director of Marketing Ed-tech Company (K-12)
General Manager Medical Education/Medical Communications Company
Senior Managing Editor, Journals Association (Medical)
Sales Manager Association (Medical)
Executive Director Small Press Distribution
Sales Director & Head of House, US Medical Publisher (UK)
State Program Manager Ed-tech Company (K-12)
Client Manager, Intellectual Property Legal Publisher
Eastern Regional Sales Manager – Canada College Publisher
Editor-in-Chief Science Journals Publisher
Director of Sales & Marketing Ed-Tech Company (K-12)
Marketing Manager Non-profit Science Publisher
Marketing Manager Association (Chemistry)
Dean of University Libraries Mississippi State University
Senior Digital Library Account Manager Association (Computing)
Benchmarking Data & Content Manager Consulting Firm
B2B Marketing Manager STM Publisher
Client Manager, Intellectual Property Legal Publisher
Publishing Editor, Physical & Math Science Journals STM Publisher
Director, Baylor University Press Baylor University
Acquisitions Editor College Publisher
Director of Publishing Ethics and Conduct Association (Engineering)
Director of Finance MIT Press
Content Licensing & Sales Manager Association (Scientific)
Acquisitions Editor College Publisher
Commissioning Editor STM Publisher
Library Sales Manager – West Coast STM Publisher
Vice Provost, Dean of Libraries University of Rochester
Technical Consultant STM Publisher
Director of Publications and Digital Initiatives NSTA
Regional Sales Manager (Western Region) STM Publisher
Strategic Sales Account Rep STM Publisher
Digital Content Specialist Association (Construction)
Sales Executive Publishing Technology Company
Governance Specialist Association (Engineering)




Director of Public Services Wake Forest Libraries
Project Consultant Publishing Technology Company
Product Specialist Association (Theological)
Content Marketing Manager Open Access Publisher
Marketing Manager University Press (Canada)
Senior Customer Success Engineer Ed-Tech Company (K-12)
Director of Finance & Operations Stanford University Press
Marketing Manager Association (Life Science)
Online Content Manager, Journals Association (Medical)
Editorial Director Open Access Publisher
Executive Publisher STM Publisher
Senior User Researcher Open Access Publisher
Educational Sales Representative, New England School Publisher (K-8)
Journals Publishing Manager STM Publisher
Regional Sales Manager, Corporate Accounts Association (Science)
Dean of University Libraries University of Arkansas
Digital Product Manager STM Publisher
Senior Manager, Data & Information Compliance Association (Science)
Director of the Press University of Nebraska
Acquisitions Editor University Press
Strategic Sales Business Development Representative STM Publisher
Corporate Sales Manager STM Publisher
Acquisitions Editor Business Publisher
WordPress Developer STM Publisher
Executive Editor, Cancer Journal Association (Medical)
Director of Community Management Publishing Technology Company
Business Manager, WEST Region College Publisher
Director of Sales Publishing Technology Company
Board of Directors Administrator Association (Engineering)
Vice President of Marketing StockNews Network
Medical Education Director, Hematology/Oncology Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Associate Publisher Association (Science)
Shared Collections Program Director California Digital Library
Ethics Governance Manager Association (Engineering)




Publicist University Press
Senior Marketing Manager, Community Insights & Outreach Association (Science)
Scientific Director Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Inside Sales Rep Publishing Technology Company
Director of Publishing Operations Open Access Publisher
Director SUNY Press
President, Publications American Chemical Society
Meetings Manager Association (Technical)
Medical Education Director Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Associate Director, Audience Data Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Director of Academic Publications United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Medical Developmental Editor Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Director of the Press Cornell University Library
Regional Sales Manager, West STM Publisher
Reviewer Engagement Manager STM Publisher
Senior Editor, Computer Science MIT Press
Managing Director, IEEE Publications IEEE
Deputy Editor, Blood Cancer Journal STM Publisher
Director University of Texas Press
Vice President of Publishing American Society for Clinical Oncology
Editor-in-Chief, Genetics Journal STM Publisher
Regional Sales Manager, MidWest STM Publisher
e-Learning Program Manager Medical Society
Director Wayne State University Press
Chief Executive Officer GeoScienceWorld
Director American University of Cairo Press
Content Portfolio Manager STM Publisher
Assistant Director, Global Academic Relations Scientific Society
Director of Publications, Communications and Marketing Entomological Society of America
Conference Proceedings Manager Association (Physics)




Director of Marketing Publication Technology Company
Director of Medical Education Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Sales & Marketing Manager Education Technology Company (K-8)
Associate Director, Institutional Licensing Sales Association (Science)
Educational Sales Consultant Religious/Spiritual Publisher
Director of Strategic Accounts, Professional Promotion Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Senior Director, Editorial Operations & Strategy Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Grant Writer Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Director of Data Analysis STM Publisher
Acquisitions Editor Trade Publisher
Standards Manager Association (Technology)
Publications & Content Marketing Manager Association (Human Resources)
Territory Sales Representative School Publisher
Library Sales Representative, Midwest Region Library Services Company
Library Sales Manager College Publisher
Library Sales Representative STM Publisher
Marketing Manager, Audience Acquisition STM Publisher
Senior Director, Scientific Direction Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Senior Director, Publications Association (Nursing)
Director, Educational Grant Development Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Director Duke University Press
Senior Sales Executive Education Technology Company (Higher Ed)
Journals Publisher STM Publisher
Director University of Pennsylvania Press
Senior Sales Manager STM Publisher
Vice President of Sales, Americas STM Publisher
Director of Partnerships Publishing Technology Company
Director of Product & Publishing Development Association (Science)
Journals Manager STM Publisher
Managing Editor International Engineering Society
Commissioning Editor STM Publisher
Medical Education Director, Cardiovascular and Diabetes Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Finance Director Association (Technology)
Medical Writer Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Product Development and Managing Editor Association (Medical)
Sales Manager STM Publisher
Executive Editor University Press
Science Publishing Marketing Manager Association (Medical)
Director of Business Development Publishing Technology Company
Senior Sales Manager, EMEA STM Publisher
Vice President, Strategic Partnerships Publishing Technology Company




Head of Academic Affairs STM Publisher
Senior Director, Research & Assessment Ed-Tech Company (K-12 & Higher Ed)
Acquisitions Editor, Biology College Publisher
Senior Vice President, Editorial Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Online Publishing Platform Manager STM Publisher
Grant Writer Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Editorial Manager, Digital Products Association (Library)
Chief Marketing Officer Open Access Publisher
Director Georgetown University Press
Senior Editor Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Director of Product & Platform Management Association (Law)
Sales Consultant School Publisher
Journals Publishing Director Open Access Publisher
Director of the Press Purdue University Libraries
Director of Scientific Publications Association (Medical)
Editor-in-Chief Michigan State University Press
Grant Coordinator Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
US Journals Sales Manager STM Publisher
Publisher, E-books STM Publisher
Journals Marketing Manager University Press
UK/Europe Advertising Sales Manager STM Publisher
Sales Engineer STM Publisher
Business Development Manager Publishing Technology Company
Vice President of Publications American Geophysical Union
Marketing Manager Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Project Team Lead Publishing Technology Company
Product Manager STM Publisher
Client Services Account Coordinator Publishing Technology Company
Channel Sales Director, International Association (Medical)
Assistant Director, Product Marketing Publishing Technology Company
Vice President, Editorial Medical Education/Medical Communication Company




Marketing Manager, Scientific Publications Medical Society
Product Manager STM Publisher
Regional Sales Manager, APAC Region – Singapore International Engineering Society
Senior Director, Product Design Marketing International Engineering Society
Senior Director, Enablement Technology School Publisher
Director of Business Development Publishing Technology Company
Sales Consultant Online Testing Company
Executive Editor College Publisher
Library Sales Consultant College Publisher
Director of the Press University of Cincinnati Libraries
Marketing Manager, Digital Journals Publisher
Director of Fundraising Not-for-profit Organization
Library Sales Consultant College Publisher
Product Marketing Manager Healthcare Data Publisher
Director of Membership Association (Mathematics)
Marketing Director STM Publisher
Manager of Discovery & Discovery Services STM Publisher
Senior Publisher Solutions Specialist Publishing Technology Company
Acquisitions Editor University Press
Director Harvard University Press
Editor, Poliitical Science Humanities Publisher
Managing Editor Professional Publisher
Product Developer Ed-Tech Company (K-12)
Acquistions Editor, Biology STM Publisher
Key Account Manager, Southeast STM Publisher
Managing Editor Encyclopaedia Iranica
Library Sales Consultant College Publisher
Senior Editor, Finance Trade Publisher
Head of B2B Partnership Marketing STM Publisher
Senior Manager, Blended Learning International Engineering Society
Director Johns Hopkins University Press
Senior Director, Clinical Content Product Management Association (Medical)
Sales Manager, North America Publishing Technology Company
Sales Manager, Midwest Publishing Technology Company
Senior Sales Manager STM Publisher
Operations Consultant Association (Home Products)
Editorial Director, Germany Medical Education/Medical Communication Company
Library Sales Consultant, Northwest College Publisher
Library Sales Consultant, Southeast College Publisher
Executive Director University of California Press
Publicity Manager University Press
Communications Manager Association (Scientific)
Sales Manager, Latin American & Caribbean STM Publisher
Director, Books Program Humanities Publisher
Market Research Analyst College Publisher
Sales Representative STM Publisher
Marketing Manager, Institutional Licensing Association (Scientific)
Associate Director of Marketing Association (Scientific)
Director of Code & Standards Association (Building Products)
Acquisitions Editor School Publisher
Acquisitions Editor University Press

Our Clients